Winter Garden

DailyPost Writing Prompt: Shine

It is winter, and the sun refuses to shine long enough – warm enough. I spent the last couple of days standing at the window longing for spring or wistfully turning pages of the seed catalog.

I understand the rhythm of the garden and the need for all fallen seeds to incubate in the winter. I am aware of this same rhythm pulses within me – within everyone. The seeds planted, thoughts and teachings of my past – be it last year or just yesterday – need time to incubate and to take root. I must spend this quiet and dark time on reflecting.

What I reflect upon will grow in my soul’s garden. Each thought must be examined to determine its origin. Is it a weed? The bitterness weed spreads quickly and can wipe out a garden. I must pull up the weed before it takes root and nourishes the seeds that will allow my garden to flourish in the spring.

Winter is necessary.

I put away the catalogs, close the curtain and settle down with my journal. It is time to concentrate on a different kind of garden.

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