Who do you think you are!


These are the words that I am hearing ringing inside my head these past couple of weeks. It is the voice of my mother, hands on hips and eyes huge with anger and through clenched teeth “who do you think you are!” It is not a question, but a statement. I hear it now as I sit in my quiet time getting ready to write today’s blog. I was working on a piece I wrote last April, but these words keep getting in my way. I cannot get past them.

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The Creating of a Path….

The summer of 2014 our family worked on a garden path. The path started on Memorial weekend and we completed it by the 4th of July. In the middle of June and in the middle of this project, a major event rippled through the family, creating waves that shook a few stones loose in my “life path”.  In my quiet time I was inspired to write…. Continue reading